


I'm probably being overly defensive! But I don't want anyone looking at these tools and thinking that they are a paragon of good coding, good practices, or indeed perfect bug-free software!

This is a side project

First things first - I've been wanting to build this stuff for years, I've carved out bits of time - but often this is written in a half-hour slice of time grabbed between demands of our delightful toddler, and demands of real work, and demands of sleep. So there aren't always tests, there isn't enough refactoring, and there has been no code review or pair programming, so I've probably gone down bad paths that one day I'll need to unpick.

Rust code

I'm not a rust guru! I've used rust once on a commercial project, and largely I'm self-taught. I am enojying rust, and the rust code at least has tests and is probably cleaner than the JavaScript. But don't use it as an example of great rust code.

React and JavaScript code

Again, I'm learning as I go along - I've never used React in a real way, I've done a fair bit of JavaScript but this is quite messy and tangled, especially my attempts to get React and D3 to play nicely. Some of the performance is worryingly slow on big projects, and I probably need to rethink things. And I have no tests - which is terrible! :)

Good code, bad code, ugly code?

I've read a lot of books and research, I have a lot of personal experience, but I haven't read all the research, and a lot of the research is quite subjective - what "good" and "bad" code is depends a lot on your culture, your organisation, your teams, your attitude to risk, how good your tests are... I've tried to stay away from too

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